Following the COVID-19 pandemic measures of social distancing, many employers were forced to contend with their employees working from home. If your employee is injured while working from home, they can still claim workers' compensation benefits. These benefits extend to employees who are injured offsite, including those who work from home. Here is some basic information for employers who have work-from-home employees.
Work-from-Home Injuries
One challenge for employers is that the employees' home environment isn't as safe as the workplace.
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If you have been recently injured and are considering taking legal action, you will want to talk to a personal injury attorney. This might not be something that you want to try and fight on your own. There are many reasons why professional personal injury representation is crucial. Here are a few of the reasons to consider:
You Can Focus On Your Healing
Added stress can do terrible things to your healing process.
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When you get into a car accident, you will file a police report on the accident and let your insurance company handle the details. This is what happens in a best-case scenario, but not all auto accidents are so simply taken care of.
If you need an auto accident attorney, it's important that you call an attorney's office right away. Here are signs you need an auto accident attorney right now.
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If you are disabled, you could benefit from getting approved for Social Security Disability. However, you might be really worried about how you are going to be able to actually get approved for disability. It can be a hard thing to do on your own. However, the right professionals can help you get approved.
Your Doctor Can Provide the Right Documentation
First of all, if you are disabled, then there is a good chance that you already see one or more doctors on a regular basis.
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If you have a job that often requires that you lift heavy weights, you may be at a greater risk of suffering an injury as a result. In some cases, this might lead to a pulled muscle. However, in extreme cases, you may suffer from broken bones. Even if you are injured while engaged in work-related activities, you will want to seek help from a workers' compensation attorney if you run into any obstacles when applying for benefits.
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