When you are involved in a car accident and you believe you're not at fault, you will usually want to settle your case out of court. However, there are some cases where you might consider taking your case to court. One of the downsides of fighting your car accident case in court is that you might lose your case and be left with nothing to show for it. However, you can, fortunately, appeal court decisions.
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Motorists often misjudge the speed of a motorcycle due to the small size. This can lead to some drivers making a left turn when a motorcyclist is in their blind spot and this can lead to collisions with the motorist that can cause serious injuries or even death. There are several other common mistakes drivers make that can put you at risk as a motorcyclist. Then, you will need to speak with a motorcycle accident attorney about how you may seek compensation for your injuries.
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When you are involved in an accident as a pedestrian, you might assume that the motorist is at fault. However, this is not always the case, especially when you are hit by a car late at night. With poor visibility, you may find it difficult to prove that the motorist was negligent without the help of a personal injury lawyer.
Duty of Care
All drivers have a duty of care to be careful during situations where there might be a pedestrian.
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Workers hurt on the job are likely covered by their employer's workers' compensation insurance. This form of benefit covers medical expenses, partial wages, and sometimes, a lump-sum payment for permanent injuries. Unfortunately, things can go wrong with a worker's claim and that can result in workers being out of work, in pain, and without any coverage. Read on to find out why keeping up with the claim and the medical aspect of your worker's compensation issues are so important.
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When you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits (SSDI), you may have also filed for workers' compensation benefits. However, you are not able to recover full workers' compensation benefits at the same time as your SSDI. To maximize your benefits, you must work closely with a Social Security disability lawyer.
Maximum SSDI Benefits
You are not allowed to earn more than 80% of the amount that you earned when you were employed.
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